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2019 Women's Jazz Festival

Mon, March 25, 2019 - 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Join us for a celebration of the three women in the iconic "Harlem 1958" photo captured by Art Kane in 1958 with Grammy-award nominated vocalist Jaameia Horn. The image featured jazz icons from Count Basie to Sonny Rollins. But of the many women in jazz at the time, only three are present in the photo, band leader Mary Lou Williams, vocalist Maxine Sullivan and pianist Marian McPartland. On our closing night, we'll celebrate these women, their talents and contributions to jazz.

Before the performance, Art Kane's son Jonathan Kane will present behind the scene photos from that celebrated day in 1958 that are featured in the new book Art Kane Harlem 1958. Books will be available in the Schomburg Shop for signing after the program.

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

515 Malcolm X Boulevard

New York, NY 10037

Maxine Sullivan, front and center in a rare out-take from Art Kane's historic photo shoot, 'Harlem 1958'

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